Singapore is a multi-ethnic society which is made up of mostly Chinese,Malay,Indian and Eurasian.The Chinese makes up 75.6% of the population,the Malays makes up 13.6% of the population,the Indians makes up 8.7% of the population and the remainings are made up of
Eurasians and other races.The Chinese are mostly Buddhist and Taoist,the Malays are Muslim,the Indians are mostly Hindus and some are them are Muslim and the Eurasians are Christians.The tradition costume of the Chinese is Cheongsam for the males and Qipaos for the females.The traditional costume of the Malays is Baju Melayu for the males and Kebaya and Baju Kurung for the females.The Traditional Costume of the Indians is Sari for the females and Dhoti and Kurta for the males.The Chinese celebrates Chinese New Year,the Malays celebrate Hari Raya,the Indians celebrates Deepavali while the Eurasian celebrates Christmas.The Chinese goes to temple for prayers , the Muslims go to mosque for prayers, the Hindus goes to Hindu temple for prayers and the Christians go to church for prayers.Different races also enjoys different kinds of food.For example,the Chinese enjoy eating dumplings.The Malays enjoy eating nasi lemak,lotong.The Indians enjoy eating nasi briyani,roti prata and curry.The Eurasians enjoy eating spaghetti and pastas.Some religions cannot take certain meat.For example,the Buddhist cannot eat beef because they believe that they should show gratitude to cows as they helps farmer to pow the land in order to grow rice.The Hindus do not eat beef because Hindus sees cows as scarced animals.The Malays cannot eat pork of any form or meat which are not slaughtered by a Muslim according to the Islamic rites.